Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

Blue light glasses are becoming increasingly more popular, particularly since the majority of workers are working on digital platforms. If you have ever spent all day working from your desk, chances are you know the eyestrain that can come with it. Over time, staring at a screen simply becomes too much, making it difficult to focus and even uncomfortable. This is largely believed to be caused by blue light. Blue light eye damage can come in many forms, which is why we wanted to discuss blue light glasses and how they work.

What Are Blue Light Glasses?

Blue light glasses are specially designed glasses that have been created specifically to filter out blue light. Blue light wavelengths come from many devices ranging from PCs to cell phones, and many believe that they can cause some pretty serious problems. Blue light can be damaging for the eyes and is considered to cause a wide range of problems pertaining to our brains and eyestrain.

How Blue Light Glasses Work

Blue light glasses work by actively filtering out blue light wavelengths. This means that instead of allowing the damaging blue light to come through the glasses, your glasses will stop them before they ever reach your eye. In the same way that you wear sunglasses to filter out the sun, you can wear blue light glasses to protect your eyes while you work. Unlike sunglasses, they will not darken or impact your vision. They will just keep your eyes safe.

The Benefits of Using Blue Light Glasses

Blue light glasses are believed to help with quite a few modern problems. Not only do they protect your eyes against unnecessary strain and damage, but they can have effects that reach well beyond just protecting your eyes. Blue light is believed to have fairly severe impacts on our melatonin levels. This means that too much blue light can make it difficult for us to sleep. With blue light glasses, melatonin production can carry on. This makes it so that you will be completely unaffected by the blue light wavelengths, making them the perfect computer glasses.

Why Should I Buy Them?

Blue light glasses are a good decision for anyone who spends a lot of time using digital devices. If you’re spending eight hours a day working on a computer and three hours a night scrolling through social media, then you can probably benefit from these glasses. If you struggle to turn off at night, they just might be able to help.


Even though we are still learning about blue light and its potential impacts, the reality is that we can all benefit from less strain. We are in a digital world and the majority of us spend hours staring at screens. With a nice pair of computer glasses, you can help to preserve the health of your eyes in a simple and easy way. Fortunately, these glasses come in all shapes and sizes, making them perfect for every style!

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